M3CRC Non-Invasive Colorectal Cancer Risk Prediction Test

Non-Invasive Prediction test for Colorectal Adenoma and Colorectal Cancer.

Only stool sample needed.


Plan Details

Report Explanation-Consultation

By Doctor/ Nurse

Health Check Assessment Consultation

By Doctor/ Nurse

Colorectal Health Screening

Non-Invasive Colorectal Cancer Risk Prediction Test

Additional Items

Colorectal Health Screening

Colonoscopy $8,800up

Working Hours

Monday to Friday:9 am – 6 pm
Saturday:9 am – 1 pm
Sunday and Public Holiday:Closed

eHealth System & Health Care Voucher

We can upload images to eHRSS.
We support the use of Health Care Voucher.

More Information
What is CRCcore?

G-NiiB CRCcore Colorectal Adenoma and Colorectal Cancer Risk Prediction Test (“G-NiiB CRCcore Test”) is a unique, non-invasive fecal microbial test developed by the research team of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. GenieBiome has obtained the exclusive license to use this invention. In detecting colorectal adenomas (including non-advanced adenomas), the G-NiiB CRCcore test has higher sensitivity than all current non-invasive tests.

What is the human gut microbiome?

Trillions of microbes live on the surface and body of our skin. The human gut microbiome refers to the integration of all the microorganisms that exist in our digestive tract. These gut microbes help digest food and produce vitamins and short-chain fatty acids, which play an important role in protecting the human body from infection. Studies have shown that abnormalities in the microbial ecology are closely related to various diseases including colorectal adenoma and colorectal cancer.

CRC Core general collection process and precautions

In order to ensure the accuracy of detection, the following must be noted:

  • Avoid antibiotics within 4 weeks
  • Avoid probiotics within 4 weeks
  • Avoid drastically changing dining habits within 2 weeks
  • Do not collect the stool sample when it is watery due to diarrhoea and when there is bleeding from haemorrhoids and menstruation
  • Failure to follow the guidelines and delay in returning the samples after sampling.