Fine Needle Aspiration

A breast biopsy is performed to remove some cells from a suspicious area in the breast and examine them under a microscope to determine it is benign or cancerous.

HA referral can enjoy special discount.

Report written by Radiology Specialist

Plan Details
Itmes (HA referral have special offers)

$3,200 (One lesion)

Ultrasound Guided Breast FNA

$3,200 (One lesion)

Ultrasound Guided Thyroid FNA

Working Hours

Monday to Friday:9 am – 6 pm
Saturday:9 am – 1 pm
Sunday and Public Holiday:Closed

eHealth System & Health Care Voucher

We can upload images to eHRSS.
We support the use of Health Care Voucher.

More Information
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy

In an FNA biopsy, a very thin, hollow needle attached to a syringe is used to withdraw (aspirate) a small amount of tissue from a suspicious area. The needle used for an FNA biopsy is thinner than the one used for blood tests.